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Avatars near me and Key2Name and Name2Key lookups

AcceptNextAdds avatars to the one time accept list for interactions
IsOnAcceptNextChecks if the avatar is on the accept next list (without using the token) for the given store
NearmeWithDetailsan improved version of near me with extra details
NearMeDetails is a object formated as follows
  • id
  • name
  • x
  • y
  • z
  • range
GetProfileImageRequests the given avatars profile image
SetProfileImageRequests the bot updates its profile image
GetProfileAboutRequests the given avatars profile about me
SetProfileAboutRequests the bot updates its about me
Nearmereturns a list of all known avatars nearby
Key2Namesearchs the AV database if not found triggers a lookup
Name2Keysearchs the AV database if not found triggers a lookup