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Control groups with ease

IsGroupMemberChecks if the given UUID is in the given group
Note: if group membership data is more than 60 secs old this will return Updating
Please wait and retry later
GetGroupMembersGets membership of a group
GroupBanAttempts to ban/unban a given avatar from a group
GroupEjectEject selected avatar from group
GroupAddRoleAdds the avatar to the Group with the role if they are not in the group then it invites them at that role
GroupInviteInvites selected avatar to the group with the selected role
GroupnoticeSends a group notice (No attachments please use GroupnoticeWithAttachment to attach items!)
GroupActiveTitleActivates the selected title
GroupActiveGroupSets the selected group to the active group
GroupnoticeWithAttachmentSends a group notice with an attachment
GetGroupListfetchs a list of all groups known to the bot
ForceLoadGroupsForces the bot to reload the groups list
GetGroupRolesRequests the roles for the selected group
GroupchatListAllUnreadGroupsfetchs a list of all groups with unread messages
GroupchatGroupHasUnreadfetchs a list of all groups with unread messages
GroupchatAnyUnreadchecks if there are any groups with unread messages
GroupchatClearAllClears all group chat buffers at once
GroupchatHistoryfetchs the groupchat history
Groupchatsends a message to the groupchat