Control the land under our feet
Command | About |
GetCurrentParcelId | Requests the current parcel local id |
UpdateListOfParcels | Requests the bot update its list of parcels ready for other commands |
GetParcelListSnapshots | Requests a packet blob for the parcels snapshot data |
GetSimParcelLayers | requests the parcel layout as a SVG call UpdateListOfParcels first to update list before calling |
GetListOfParcels | Requests a packet blob for the parcels in the current sim call UpdateListOfParcels first to update list before calling |
CancelParcelSale | Cancels the current parcel the bot is in sale |
SetParcelSale | Sets the current parcel for sale Also marks the parcel for sale |
GetParcelTraffic | Gets the parcel Dwell (Traffic) value and returns it via the reply target |
GetParcelSaleDetails | Gets the current parcel sale amount and target for sale and returns it via the reply target |
QueryLandSaleData | Make a request to the landsale directory |
SetParcelLandingZone | Changes the parcel landing mode to point and sets the landing point |
SetParcelName | Updates the current parcels name |
SetParcelDesc | Updates the current parcels description |
GetParcelDesc | Fetchs the current parcels desc |
GetParcelFlags | gets the flags for the parcel |
ParcelEject | Ejects an avatar |
AbandonLand | Abandons the parcel the bot is currently on, returning it to Linden's or Estate owner |
ParcelBan | Bans an avatar from a parcel |
ParcelUnBan | Unbans an avatar from a parcel |
SetParcelMusic | Updates the current parcels name |
SetParcelFlag | Updates the current parcels name |
ParcelReturnTargeted | Returns all objects from the current parcel for the selected avatar |
ParcelDeedToGroup | transfers the current parcel ownership to the assigned group |
ParcelBuy | Attempts to buy the parcel the bot is standing on, the amount must match the sale price for the land! |
ParcelFreeze | Freezes an avatar |
GetParcelBanlist | Fetchs the parcel ban list of the parcel the bot is currently on If the name returned is lookup the bot is currently requesting the avatar name |
UnRezObject | Returns a rezzed object |
ParcelSetMedia | Updates the current parcels media settings MediaAutoScale=Bool (True|False) MediaLoop=Bool (True|False) MediaID=UUID (Texture) MediaURL=String MediaDesc=String MediaHeight=Int (256 to 1024) MediaWidth=Int (256 to 1024) MediaType=String ["IMG-PNG","IMG-JPG","VID-MP4","VID-AVI" or "Custom-MIME_TYPE_CODE"] |