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Control the land under our feet

GetCurrentParcelIdRequests the current parcel local id
UpdateListOfParcelsRequests the bot update its list of parcels ready for other commands
GetParcelListSnapshotsRequests a packet blob for the parcels snapshot data
GetSimParcelLayersrequests the parcel layout as a SVG call UpdateListOfParcels first to update list before calling
GetListOfParcelsRequests a packet blob for the parcels in the current sim call UpdateListOfParcels first to update list before calling
CancelParcelSaleCancels the current parcel the bot is in sale
SetParcelSaleSets the current parcel for sale Also marks the parcel for sale
GetParcelTrafficGets the parcel Dwell (Traffic) value and returns it via the reply target
GetParcelSaleDetailsGets the current parcel sale amount and target for sale and returns it via the reply target
QueryLandSaleDataMake a request to the landsale directory
SetParcelLandingZoneChanges the parcel landing mode to point and sets the landing point
SetParcelNameUpdates the current parcels name
SetParcelDescUpdates the current parcels description
GetParcelDescFetchs the current parcels desc
GetParcelFlagsgets the flags for the parcel
ParcelEjectEjects an avatar
AbandonLandAbandons the parcel the bot is currently on, returning it to Linden's or Estate owner
ParcelBanBans an avatar from a parcel
ParcelUnBanUnbans an avatar from a parcel
SetParcelMusicUpdates the current parcels name
SetParcelFlagUpdates the current parcels name
ParcelReturnTargetedReturns all objects from the current parcel for the selected avatar
ParcelDeedToGrouptransfers the current parcel ownership to the assigned group
ParcelBuyAttempts to buy the parcel the bot is standing on, the amount must match the sale price for the land!
ParcelFreezeFreezes an avatar
GetParcelBanlistFetchs the parcel ban list of the parcel the bot is currently on
If the name returned is lookup the bot is currently requesting the avatar name
UnRezObjectReturns a rezzed object
ParcelSetMediaUpdates the current parcels media settings MediaAutoScale=Bool (True|False) MediaLoop=Bool (True|False) MediaID=UUID (Texture) MediaURL=String MediaDesc=String MediaHeight=Int (256 to 1024) MediaWidth=Int (256 to 1024) MediaType=String ["IMG-PNG","IMG-JPG","VID-MP4","VID-AVI" or "Custom-MIME_TYPE_CODE"]